November Intentions

I always see people posting their desired intentions or goals once a new month rolls around. I typically make mental notes of what I’d like to work on, or what I’d like to focus on each month, but very rarely do these intentions come to fruition (probably because of a lack of accountability on my…

Life Update

Listen… I know I’m bad at this. I’m kind of sorry but not really because I’ve come to accept that maintaining a blog will likely be sporadic for me at this point in my life. All I can do it say that I will TRY to be more consistent, but I won’t lie to you…

I’ve got some explaining to do…

My last post was a really ironic way of taking an unexpected hiatus from this thing. Self-love… it’s so damn important. If you can’t love and take care of yourself, who will? If you don’t look in the mirror and possess the ability to measure and recognize your self-worth, who could possibly equip you with…

7 Acts of Self-Love

This is going to be a little different compared to my usual food posts… but I think it’s a necessary one. For months now, I have felt like I’ve been in a “rut”. This rut has been so deep that, at times, I couldn’t really even see a way to climb out of it. Within…