Life Update

Listen… I know I’m bad at this. I’m kind of sorry but not really because I’ve come to accept that maintaining a blog will likely be sporadic for me at this point in my life. All I can do it say that I will TRY to be more consistent, but I won’t lie to you (whoever you are) or myself by saying that I WILL be more consistent.

I’m feeling like I’m moving towards a very healthy place right now (both mentally and physically), which is a really groundbreaking thing for me if you recall my previous personal posts. I’m eating well, I’m moving my body, I’m drinking water, I’m seeing a counselor (a blog post about mental wellness may be in the near future because it’s something that literally my entire life revolves around. would you guys like that?), I’m more optimistic, I’m saying yes (to myself) a whole lot more… Things are going well.

In an effort to be in a better mental state, I’ve been painting A LOT as a sort of art therapy regime. I’ve also re-opened my online shop to share with anyone who may appreciate what I create. You can click here to check it out, if you’d like! If you see anything you might want to buy, feel free to use the code FREESHIP1 for… you guessed it… free shipping!

Anyway, I just wanted to come on here to preface some posts that I have planned for this thing… I thought it would be really weird if I just jumped right back into blogging without any prelude. Here are my ideas:

  • 2018 goals (lame, I know, but it’s to hold myself accountable and maybe inspire some of you a bit)
  • current book favs
  • recipe: superfood protein balls

That’s all I’ve got so far! I hope you’re all having a wonderful Sunday. See you in the next post!


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